One paragraph a day.

Neil Arthur
1 min readJun 16, 2020
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Very Easy — Write one paragraph a day.

Easy — Write a 200 word minimum Medium post a day.

Moderate — Write a 500 word minimum Medium post a day.

Hard — Write a 1000 word Medium article.

Very Hard — Write a book.

The intention is not to write a book (at least I don’t think so at the moment) The intention is to be the type of person who sits down, reflects and organizes their thoughts and takes the time to communicate in an engaging and entertaining way to add value to other’s lives.

So there it is. Very Easy to Hard clearly mapped out in a way that is quanitifiable. I know that the quality of this writing is currently far, far below the quality that it will be when I am working even at a level I consider to be Moderately difficult. I’m looking forward to being able to look back at the change in my writing style and how much I have grown.

A vote for the person you want to be.

